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Small Business Strategy & Development Committee

Small Business Strategy & Development Committee
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (3:30 PM - 4:30 PM) (MST)
Welcome Ryan Dixon with Maricopa County Procurement Services and Brandon McMillan with Republic Services.
Maricopa County Procurement Services - Ryan Dixon
Discover how to do business with Maricopa County by learning about their operations, purchasing needs, and the process to become a vendor. We will guide you through vendor registration and provide tips for optimizing your profile. Additionally, we will review the requirements necessary to conduct business with the county. Importantly, we'll highlight the Maricopa County Small and Local Business Advocacy Program and explain how businesses can participate.
Republic Services - Brandon McMillan, Division Sales Manager
Republic Services contributes numerous roll-off containers to support community revitalization efforts, creating attractive spaces where small businesses can thrive. They primarily support this initiative through Rebuilding Together, where they donate containers to enhance community projects. Through their event container donations and sponsorships, they help lower costs for small businesses participating in numerous events across the valley.
About the Small Business Strategy & Development Committee
This Committee brings businesses together to understand market trends and challenges, enhancing customer relationships, and giving them an environment to share, learn, and otherwise grow Mesa’s business footprint. With appearances made by subject matter experts, our local community members can gather relevant information and pressing matters within the community to help small businesses thrive.
Contact Trish Heiden at for the Zoom Link.
Zoom Meeting
This event is virtual- attendees are sent Zoom information prior to the start of the meeting.
Chamber- Mesa Chamber Event