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Pipeline AZ

Pipeline AZ
Education Services Nonprofit Organizations
Job Connect Mesa empowers local students and job seekers with a collection of resources to explore high-demand careers that align with their passions, skills, and Mesa industry demands. Job Connect Mesa uses Pipeline AZ’s robust platform and services to act as a career exploration and talent development infrastructure for the community. Pipeline AZ is a statewide nonprofit organization with a powerful platform connecting existing workforce efforts by education, business, and community partners.
The platform enhances access and awareness to career exploration resources, empowering Arizonans to develop career readiness, guiding Arizonans at any stage in their education and careers, seamlessly guiding them through diverse career pathways, training programs, and job opportunities. In Job Connect Mesa, the solution has been customized toward a regional lens to support every individual and stakeholder to ensure they have the tools and resources to thrive, contributing to the economic prosperity and growth for many years to come.
With the steadfast support of the community, industry, and government partners, Pipeline AZ is pioneering a transformative movement of a true collective ecosystem. Together, Pipeline AZ and its partners are shaping Arizona’s workforce ecosystem on region at a time!